After a week of not blogging. I tot maybe i should show some love to those who i love.
That's none other than Auntie Maggie.
Auntie, you're always in my heart. Love you much <3
Yup, I was just googling around and it's weird, i just don't know how i ended up in this site that showing me the definition of a rebound relationship and signs of a rebound relationship.
There goes..
Rebound Relationship:
A rebound relationship is one that occurs shortly after the break-up of a significant love relationship. If you are in a relationship but have distanced yourself emotionally from your relationship partner, you may begin a rebound relationship before you even leave the relationship you are in. If you move quickly from a long lasting relationship into another relationship then you are probably in a “rebound relationship."
Signs of a rebound relationship
If you’re in a rebound relationship, it’s always best to tell your new lover that you’re not ready for a serious relationship just yet.
It’ll help both of you take things slowly without too many expectations or heartbreaks.
Here are 15 rebound relationship signs that can help you understand the emotions you’re going through.
If you find that you’re experiencing more than a few of these signs, there’s a good chance you’re in love only to get over an older love!
#1 You just want to date someone, anyone. If you’ve been dumped by your ex or have experienced a bad relationship, you helplessly get drawn to anyone who gives you attention.
Your mind subconsciously wants to experience love again, and even if you want to avoid dating for a while, you can’t help but fall into the trap of love almost immediately.
#2 The sex is great. But you have no idea about how the relationship is going. You’re having a lot of fun in your new lover’s arms, but you don’t even know what kind of a relationship you’re in. You’re more focused on the fun part of the new romance than the serious parts that really matter in a new relationship.
#3 You don’t remember how you got over your ex. It takes time to get over someone you truly loved. For some, it may take a few weeks and for others, it may take several months. If you’re already happy in a new relationship, but have no recollection of how you got over your ex, chances are you’ve rushed into something new before you could finish the last chapter of your old love.
It’s a risky move because you’ve left the crucial ending unfinished and it may come back to haunt you when you’re having a rough patch in your new relationship.
#4 You often talk about your ex with your new partner. It may seem like you’re opening up to your new lover by frankly talking about your ex like you have no feelings for them. But deep inside, the whole reason you’re talking about your ex with anyone who cares to listen is because you still have feelings for them.
#5 You have mood swings. You may find yourself in a confused state of mind often even though you’re happy in your new romance. Almost always, you’ll be happy when you’re with your new squeeze but depressed and confused when you’re alone.
#6 You fantasize about your ex getting back to you. Do you spend a lot of time imagining scenarios that involve your ex? Do you like thinking about how your ex would feel seeing you in your new lover’s arms, or do you wonder if your ex is still thinking about you?
You may try to convince yourself that you’re over your ex and happy in a new relationship, but the fact that your ex still occupies so many of your happy thoughts means you’re still not over them.
#7 Your friends are surprised to hear that you’re dating already. Your friends are at times the best judges of your dates and your love life. They can see the entire picture without being biased about your old relationship. If your friends think it’s too fast, it probably is.
#8 You keep your eyes open. You want attention. You just want to reassure yourself that you’re still hot stuff and can get attention whenever you want. You find yourself constantly looking out even though you’re in a new relationship already.
#9 You don’t try to take things slowly. If you’re truly in love, you’ll be afraid to take chances or make any hasty moves. But if you’re in a rebound relationship, all you’d want to do is go full speed ahead into the relationship because you don’t really care about losing your new love.
#10 You’re going with the flow. You’re not trying to make the relationship work. You’re happy and your new date is happy. You don’t look for ways to keep the relationship alive. All you want is someone who can hold you when you want to be held.
#11 Old love memories in the open. You still have photos or memorabilia of your ex and you find yourself staring at it now and then. You know it’s wrong, but you enjoy the torture of reminding yourself about the heartbreak.
#12 You still feel weak when your ex says hello. Or you feel sick. Either ways, you experience extreme emotions when you see your ex. All you want is to be in a better place than your ex by ensuring that you’re in a relationship with someone else. You try hard to convince yourself that you’re now happier than ever before.
#13 You look for ways to bump into your ex. You don’t voice it out, but deep inside, you wish you could bump into your ex again. You hang out in your ex’s favorite spots with your friends or even your new date, and secretly hope to see them again.
#14 You know you’ll go back into their arms if they make an effort to woo you.You may hate your ex or feel relieved to have ended the relationship with them. You may even be happy with your new partner. But deep down inside, you know you’ll step right back into your ex’s arms if they just make a sweet move at you.
#15 You don’t feel like you’re serious about the relationship. There’s no bigger rebound relationship sign than this one. If you’re in a relationship for any reason but love, it’s a sure sign that you’re only passing through a rebound relationship to bide your time.
Just because you’re experiencing these signs of a rebound relationship doesn’t mean your new found romance is doomed from the start.
These 15 rebound relationship signs can only reveal your current state of mind. The decision to enter the next phase of love or just play it casual is still in your own hands.
Hope after you guys read this post, you will really understand your relationship, your mind and your heart better. We gonna face the reality in life. Be strong and be freeee!